
Newspapers continue to reign supreme in the delivery of local news. If you want to know what’s going on in your town – whether the news is about the mayor or taxes or high school football – there is no substitute for a local newspaper that is doing its job. A reader’s eyes may glaze over after they take in a couple of paragraphs about [national or international news]; but a story about the reader himself or his neighbours will be read to the end. – Warren Buffet.

The African Reporter is one of the largest, and best selling, sold community papers in the country. It is the premium sold community paper on the East Rand enjoying an extensive distribution of close to 20 000 issue per week.

The paper was originally launched in 1963 to fill a niche readership market – catering specifically to the residents in the townships across the East Rand – and celebrates it 50th birthday in 2013. Although it was started in 1958 by the Dannheisser family, it was initially published irregularly. It became an official weekly paper in 1963.

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